Brazilian Blowout Salon: How Long Does Brazilian Blowout Last?

You must have heard about the many benefits of the Brazilian blowout: it removes frizz, locks in color, straightens hair, adds shine, among many other things. As much you are tempted to go for the treatment, you ask, how long does Brazilian Blowout last?

When you visit a Brazilian blowout salon, it will take you 1-2 hours to complete the procedure, and when properly done, the treatment can last for 10-12 weeks or an average of 30-40 washings.

Would you love to extend the life of your blowout? There are plenty of things you can do. Some of these things include:

Reduce your hair washing frequency

Like other hair treatments, the Brazilian blowout lasts longer if you don’t wash your hair too frequently. As a rule of thumb, you should never wash your hair immediately after your salon session. You also shouldn’t wash your hair for the next three days.

Other than this, you should minimize washing your hair in general. For maximum longevity of the treatment, wash your hair 3 times a week.

Avoid swimming

As much as you are a beach bum, you should avoid swimming there for some time. As the water will strip away your hair’s protective layers making it more prone to breakage. The hair is also more likely to get damaged due to friction.

Seawater is also not good for hair, whether its salon treated or not. You can tell the water isn’t good if you have tried bathing in the sea. When you get out of the sea, you walk out dried out, hard, and you can’t manage the sticky hair. This is because the salt content in the seawater is overly drying to the hair.

It’s also recommended you avoid swimming in swimming pools as the chlorinated pools can cancel out the treatment that was adhered to the strands in the Brazilian blowout.

Condition the hair twice a month

To keep your hair looking soft and healthy, make it a habit to condition it twice a month. When buying the hair conditioner, go for a high-quality one, preferably one designed for Brazilian blowout treated hair.

Style your hair with care

The beauty with the Brazilian blowout treated hair is you can continue styling your hair even after treatment. When choosing the styling products, choose those that will help the treatment, not hinder it. Before blow-drying the hair, apply a smoothing serum to keep the tresses tangle-free and shiny.

Switch to silk pillowcases

Did you know the way you rest the hair can affect its lifespan? If you sleep on cotton pillowcases, you should switch them with silk pillowcases as the cotton ones cause friction against the scalp leading to frizzy hair.

Silk pillowcases prevent irritating the strands, which comes in handy at extending the life of the hair.

Always use specialized Brazilian blowout products.

Regardless of what you do to your hair, ensure you use products specialized for the Brazilian blowout. When washing the hair, ensure the products are designed to be used for the Brazilian blowout treatment. As mentioned above, you should use specialized products when styling the hair or doing any other thing to it.

If you aren’t sure of the right products to use, ask professionals working in Brazilian keratin salon Bethesda.

Parting shot

These are some of the ways you can extend the lifespan of your Brazilian blowout. You should note that the blowouts don’t come cheap so take good care of them. You also should have them done in a reputable salon. If possible, visit a salon that only deals with the Brazilian blowout.

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