Hair Extensions In Salon And Other Hair Hacks Every Girl Should Know

In addition to having your hair extensions in salon, there are plenty of other hair hacks that every girl should know. These hacks include:

Use the right brush

There are plenty of hairbrushes in the market you can use. For you to have an easy time styling your hair, you should use the right one. The most common brushes include:

Small natural bristle: These are ideal for short hair with smoothing bangs

Vented metal round:  Use this when looking to add lift, curl the ends, speed up blow-drying, and curtain the bangs.

Straightening: From its name, the straightening brush assists in straightening the hair. For you to get the most from it, you need a little bit of coordination to straighten your hair properly.

Teasing brush: It adds volume by teasing the hair then smoothing it.

Detangling brush: The brush knots out easily and at the same time stimulates the scalp.

The right hairbrush for your hair should leave it shiny.

Use a toothbrush to tame flyways

Toothbrushes are an excellent choice for smoothing flyways as they have fine bristles that catch the baby hairs much better than the normal brushes. For the perfect look, spray your toothbrush with hairspray then gently smooth down your hair.

Curl your hair from the middle, not the ends

When you are curling your hair with a clamp, you can be tempted to secure it on the ends of your hair then twist it up. Don’t do this. Instead, you should start curling the hair from the middle before you wrap the ends of the hair around the barrel.

Doing this not only makes the curls last longer, it also prevents you from putting a lot of heat on the ends of the hair, putting it at the risk of getting damaged.

Apply hand cream to the dry ends

Just like any other girl, it’s common to have hair with dry ends. When the hair dries up, and you don’t have the right products for it, apply hand cream onto the ends of the hair. The cream adds moisture and shine. You don’t have to worry about the cream damaging your hair as the ingredients in the creams are similar to those in hair creams.

Use sticky bobby pins if you have slippery straight hair

When you have straight hair, bobby pins tend to fall off. To prevent this, make the pins sticky. To do it, you need a paper towel, hairspray, and bobby pins. Place the pins on a towel then spray them with hairspray. Dry them a little then pin them onto your hair.

Blow-dry with the hair upside down

Are you struggling to add volume to your hair? One trick you can use is blow-drying your roots with your head upside down. By doing this, you lift the roots of your hair up, which creates extra body and volume.

When you are looking to add volume to your ponytail, consider using hair elastics. You can also slide bobby pins vertically behind the hair to hold it up. You should note that this will work effectively if you have long hair.

Use no bend clips to attain a perfect hairline

When you have a cowlick that you would like to tame, no bend clips will come in handy. Clip the clips onto your wet hair then give it time to set. When properly used, no bend clips give your hair a sleek parting. According to experts working in hair extensions salon Rockville, the clips also hold your hair in place after you have straightened it, preventing bends from coming about.

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